Thursday, November 5, 2009

Verdana Steps in with a Smile

This a retweet from Twitter, posted here in Verdana. This is Verdana Bold Italic.

RT @Charpie Verdana is like someone you don't really want to hang out with, but every time they talk to you they're so damn nice.

Personally I like Verdana because of that big, different, cross-barred "I". Technically, cross-bars above and below on a cap I are a typographic no-no. But I like it because it makes the word "I" come across big and strong. Makes you feel stronger when you type with it. Makes me think of a steel i-beam. While I think the cross-barred I looks good as a word, it's often not as nice in an ALL CAPS INSTANCE. Sometimes a single stroke I looks better. All I'm sayin' is that Verdana feels like a big, well-intentioned rule breaker, and I still dig it.

So does IKEA. They just started using Verdana as their main font.

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